Your Garden


One of the joys of gardening no matter how long you have been gardening is making the place your own.

There are many wonderful gardens all throughout the world, and by all means, get ideas from them to use. However, the common denominator that makes those gardens so wonderful is they have their own personal charm and personality.

So many people try to re-create the garden of Versailles or copy their neighbor that they will never be happy with what they have done. A garden needs a gardener that imbues their own personality into it. So get wacky if you like pink flamingos go ahead and put them throughout your garden. Maybe you enjoy pots go ahead, and put them everywhere if that’s what makes you happy.

What colors do you like? Some colors go better together than others. Some people can’t bear having red in their own garden, but if red is your color use it! You don’t even need color in a garden maybe you just want a green garden with shrubbery there is nothing wrong with that and it’s just as beautiful.

I don’t want my garden like anyone else’s, and neither should you. So I make large borders, and enjoy mixing garden plants with natives that grow where I live. Delphiniums, Nepeta, Aquilegia all come to mind, and are all stalwarts for the planting in my garden.

I like gardens that are imbued with the inner workings of the gardener that tends to them. They radiate their own personality as if garden and gardener have become one. Two gardens come to mind and whenever I would walk past them I couldn’t help, but smile. They may have been small, but both exuded the personality of their gardeners, each so very different, even though they were right next to each other.

A garden is ever-changing and evolving as it ages. Just like the gardener. Nothing lasts or is eternal. So as the current gardener goes, the garden gets a new gardener, and the cycle of creativity will begin again on the foundation of the old.


My Gardening Journey


Get Out And Garden