Get Out And Garden


When you talk about gardening to people all that comes to mind to those you talk to is the drudgery of pulling weeds or them saying they don’t have the space or a green thumb. When in fact gardening is one of the best things going. It’s good for you both mentally, and physically.

There is nothing better for your mind than just sitting down relaxing or taking a walk through your garden even tending the vegetables or your hands in the soil, your mind becomes calmer. Don’t worry about not being able to tend to all the weeds they are just plant we don’t want , and consistently working to get rid of them will drive you mad. We can all use a little disorder in our gardens it usually not only benefits wildlife, but gives us time to enjoy the garden more.

Plan your garden it really gets your creative juices going. You don’t need a big space to have a garden. Gone are the days where only the rich, and powerful kept gardens, and its not rocket science. If you have a big or small yard lay out canes or wooden stakes to get the scale of what your going for. One tip small yards will seem bigger if you plant a few big things or divide them. If all you have is a patio space have fun picking out pots. To create a better effect with pots you can use bricks or other material to put them at different heights. There are no real rules for gardening just some good guidelines that other gardeners found work better. Remember just because you did something or planted something does not mean you can’t change it. Most off all make your garden yours not like anyone else’s.

How good gardening for you physically is kind of self explanatory. Just walking in the garden is good for you. You can be lifting bags of compost or digging a new hole for a plant among the many other things. It gets you out of the house moving or even in the house if your preference is house plants. If your handicapped don’t let that discourage you there are gardening tools or tools that can be adapted to get you in the garden even just having a raised bed can help.

If you have never gardened are scared to or quickly gave up on it get out, and give it a go. You’ll learn as you go. If a plant or seedlings fail try again thats a secret to a green thumb. Gardening is rewarding no matter what plants you grow. Your mind, and body will thank you for it.


Your Garden


Leaf Mould