Lifecycle Of Plants

So you went ahead, and bought or perhaps grew a plant from seed not knowing what the meaning of the words perennial, biennial or annual mean on the plant tag or seed packet. Provided you planted it where the plant is happiest your left wondering will it come back or won’t it. Three meanings that are easy to understand .

Perennials are the plants that come back every year. Some will show there face for only a few years; others for a decade or more well they entertain you with stories on how back in their day they had to walk up hill both ways to school in the snow. One thing to note depending on what your growing zone is whether it be because it get to hot or cold treat a perennial plant when you buy it as an annual.

Biennials take the first year to build up a strong root system and frame work. In their second year their hard work pays off, as they show you their beauty. Alas it is short lived as the once beautiful plant is cut down in the prime of its life.

Annuals so full of life and vigor; growing quickly and flowering profusely there main goal to proliferate like a horny teenager. However this crazy lifestyle takes its toll on annuals, and they don’t last until the following year. To keep an annual flowering until frost takes it deadhead the plant regularly to prolong the blooms.


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